A Love Letter To My Twitterverse.

I started blogging when I was 23.  I had just started student teaching and I thought my kids were funny. I can’t even direct you back to that because I changed my blog handle.  I also had a twitter that a prof in my ed program made me start and I never used.  And at that point my mom may have been the only one reading my blog.  Actually I’m pretty sure I was too embarrassed to tell my mom.  Three years ago people didn’t say, “Hey I write a blog about teaching math. You should read it!”  Well I didn’t.

But in fact, I did write a crappy little blog.  Then Dan read it, then Dan posted about it.  Then I started twitter stalking all of you. I said a couple things and feigned shyness for about a week.  (It does not come naturally to me, i.e. I am inclined towards being obnoxious.)  Then I just started talking and you talked back.  And I was part of something.  I was part of a community.

This week you guys got together in St. Louis and had twitter math camp.  I didn’t get to go. I spent the time with my family which I needed to do but I am currently drenched in jelly jelly jealousy.

So I just wanted to take a moment and say even though I wasn’t there;  you are the best.  This community of people has made me a better teacher but more than that a better person.  You have all helped formed my opinions on education and taught me how to be a teacher. You have reaffirmed my belief time and time again that there is no shortage in the world of hard working dedicated teachers.

Thank you for making me laugh, thank you for helping me find a job, thank you for reading my cover letters, lessons plans, resumes, and this crappy little blog. Thank you for helping me love my job. Thank you for being my real life friends.

I would be worse off with out you and I hope that I can meet as many of you as possible next year.  If not you should expect to see me in a cross-country twitter stalking road trip summer 2013.



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