Chalkline: Orlando.

I’m going to mess this up.  I’m going to say the wrong thing. I’m going to do something that isn’t right.  Correct me. Here in the comments, on twitter, or facebook.  But do it with some kindness and decency because this was rough, is rough, and will be rough still and I am just trying to properly use my tiny corner of the internet.

In this episode first I speak to Megan Hayes Golding from episode 1.  You will hear some stuff from her and here is the post she wrote to her students about how to handle this massive tragedy. Some of her advice will help you talk to your students. Some of it will just help your heart.

Then I talk to Maria Al-Shamma she’s a social worker and a hard core volunteer at our local LGBTQ center.  She runs Project Youth and is just an all over amazing person.  She talks about what our local center did and then general advice about talking to your LGBTQ kids/students.

I’m not going to write a ton more. Listen. This is important.

Episode 6

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Some links. Gotta click them all.  this. this. this. this. this. this. this. this. this.



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