Final week of new bloggers!

This is the end of the new bloggers adventures.  Thanks to those of you who have read all the weeks.


Beth has a blog named **in stillness the dancing**. The fourth post for the Blogging Initiation is titled **Don’t mess with Mister In-Between“** and the author sums it up as follows: **One of the new math bloggers wrote about his frustration in getting all students to buy in to math class. I can relate! Having been out of the classroom for 12 years, I feel like a novice. And I have a group of students who are getting the best of me!** A memorable quotation from the post is: **So this weekend … renewed motivation to figure out what changes I can make to invite … coax, beguile, entice … even the most disengaged student to join me in our algebra adventures!**

Angie Eakland  has a blog named **Coefficients of Determination**. The fourth post for the Blogging Initiation is titled **Visions of PEMDAS danced thorugh my head“** and the author sums it up as follows: **Order of Operations is such an important topic at sixth grade. It’s not really something the students can discover and so their initial understandings come down to how good of a job I do at introducing it in a memorable way. I created a new foldable that – in part – made this the easiest introduction I’ve ever had.** A memorable quotation from the post is: ** Students LOVED the foldable, they LOVED getting to choose the four colors that they would use with intentionality (my word, not theirs :)), and I loved how easily students picked up the idea of doing multiplication and division and then addition and subtraction as they moved from left to right in their expression! 🙂 🙂 **

crazedmummy has a blog named **crazedmummy**. The fourth post for the Blogging Initiation is titled **Posting on a post to a post…“** and the author sums it up as follows: **This post is about someone responding to something I stole, and sent on to them, and they actually found it helpful. Oh theft, I am so devoted to you.** A memorable quotation from the post is: **I feel as if I have edged in to a party that my kids are holding and they have not frozen in silence (you know what you did when someone’s mom came in – don’t give me that look).**

Dan Bowdoin @danbowdoin has a blog named **Technology Integration for Math Engagement**. The fourth post for the Blogging Initiation is titled **Auto-Updating Agenda and Assignment Board“** and the author sums it up as follows: **I write about the switch from lesson planning on paper, to saving plans in computer files, and then the change to a completely electronic system that automatically updates for students as you make any changes! The idea was stolen from I Speak Math, Julie Reulbach. “Now, I’m all electronic when I plan. I made a Google Spreadsheet that lists the date, lesson, homework, and any important links the students will need. I love this way of giving homework, because then students can easily find the links I want them to access.”** A memorable quotation from the post is: **It was great to see students, the first week of school, already going to the website and using the electronic links to complete their textbook assignment early.**

Lee KT @lthor010 has a blog named **random expected value**. The fourth post for the Blogging Initiation is titled **You’ve got a friend…“** and the author sums it up as follows: **Have you ever read something that aligns with your thinking so much that you wish that you could sit with down with this person and talk and talk and talk? That’s blogging…start the conversation, and keep it going. KEEP WRITING!! And oh yeah, Desmos is so cool!** A memorable quotation from the post is: **KEEP WRITING!**


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