30 before 30

The worst thing about packing is touching all of your crap.  The worst thing about unpacking is doing it again. 

While unpacking I found a list I made back when I was twenty-five of 30 things I want to do before I’m thirty.  There are a few I am pretty sure won’t happen now but there are about 5 I have completed.

(some have been excluded for, like, internet is forever reasons.)

  1. **excluded
  2. get Masters (Spring 2014)
  3. go to Europe
  4. own my car/ be debt free
  5. be department chair (probably not but my goals have shifted)
  6. build a piece of furniture
  7. learn some photography
  8. write 10,000 words
  9. cook a full Thanksgiving dinner  (I’m counting Friendsgiving)
  10. Have a super excellent Halloween costume (I was a rad suffragette)
  11. ***
  12. try yoga for a month (done last year but I hope to do it again)
  13. Teach Calculas (not really a goal anymore)
  14. own a dog
  15. run a half marathon (dumb goal, maybe a 10 K?)
  16. learn a new sport
  17. travel for a week with no itinerary 
  18. eat $200 sushi.  (i really like this goal)
  19. get published. (I’m counting APW but I’m hoping to get academically published this upcoming year.)
  20. go to Vegas. (except I don’t really care)
  21. have THE BEST birthday party.
  22. read LOTR.
  23. hangout all day in a ski lodge.
  24. stay in a really nice hotel. 
  25. I left this blank. maybe to add now? 
  26. finish my tattoo.
  27. teach mulligan a trick (never gonna happen)
  28. rewatch Lost.  (why did I write this?)
  29. own something from tiffany’s (again, seriously, 25-year-old me?)
  30. Sunday crossword in pen.

So why the sharing?  Accountability.  I hope to do 4-5 more before I turn 28. 

Happy Summer, friends.

5 thoughts on “30 before 30

  1. I think I have an audiobook version of LOTR, so if you would like access to that, I can try to make it happen. I think that’s the only one I can help with.

    Good luck!


  2. I think I have an audiobook version of LOTR, so if you would like access to that, I can try to make it happen. I think that’s the only one I can help with.

    Good luck!


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